“Cultivating Economic Development Opportunities Around the Globe”.
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we believe in
Cultivating innovative 21st century Economic Development Opportunities (CEDO) with Environmentally Responsible and Sustainable Communities to enhance Live, Work, and Play experiences around the globe. 

Who We Are

Global Development and Finances, LLC (GDF), (dba, "The Canal Company") is a design, real estate development, and investment company, founded by a highly experienced team of collaborative lifestyle developers, builders, and financiers.

GDF is based in Louisiana, with planned offices opening in California, Ohio, New York, and Seoul, S. Korea. 

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Success Together

The Mission

with synergistic visionaries, developers, builders, technologists, and financiers committed to cultivating  development opportunities in Urban and Rural communities across the U.S. and throughout North, Central, and South America and the Caribbean Islands.

Our Aim
Usher in the "Next Wave" in real estate development experiences built with a foundation that integrates the development of both tangible and virtual into project design, builds, and revenue returns.

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core values



GDF works closely with our developers, builders, and financing teams and partners to help design, develop, build, and create the "next wave" real estate development experiences.

To achieve those experiences it's all about Vision, Collaboration, Execution...and Reimagining the approach to design, development, resource allocation, and creativity across multiple disciplines.

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    GDF is committed to integrating the latest in technological advancements in design, development, and construction (including modular and 3D printing) to help advance, create, and build more innovative spaces and places for global communities of the future today.


    Our workspace, home, hospitality, health and wellness developments are designed with customizable 3D, augmented reality, and mixed reality (3D+AR+XR) and streaming technologies to support current and emerging immersive “Next Wave” experiential capabilities for enhanced Live, Work, and Play spaces.

    We believe eco-friendly and sustainable development projects should be designed to help enhance cleaner living, which can lead to better community engagement and connectivity for current and future generations to come.


GDF targeted development opportunities range from disaster relief construction and restoration to infrastructure, new construction builds for single-family homes, multi-family, mixed-use, resorts, hotels, motels, malls, schools, churches, hospitals, nursing homes, assisted and senior living, medical office buildings, tank farms, and manufacturing and industrial plants across the U.S. and throughout North, Central, and South America.  

Paramount to these development opportunities will be the full integration of advanced technologies (design, build, and end-user experiences), with Return On Investments (ROI) models built around measuring both tangible and virtual asset revenues, with GDF also assisting in arranging capital stack (where applicable).


Preliminary market activity has begun in California, targeting SoCal workforce, student, and affordable housing initiatives, along with hospitality and health and wellness development opportunities.


GDF’s preliminary market activity will focus on supporting rivers, lakes, and mountains regions targeting manufacturing, workforce and affordable housing, hospitality, and health and wellness JV and development opportunities.

Gulf States

Preliminary market activity has begun in Louisiana, with GDF targeting disaster restoration work and new construction development projects in Calcasieu Parish, Jeff Davis Parish, Allen Parish, and Jefferson Parish.


GDF is pursuing multiple development opportunities in NY and NJ, targeting hospitality, mixed-use, multi-family, affordable housing, and healthcare development projects

Latin America + The Caribbean

Latin America is an important global market and GDF seeks to cultivate development opportunities for large-scale mixed-use, resort, multi-family, health, wellness, power, infrastructure, and manufacturing projects in the Caribbean Islands, Mexico, Central America, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, and Peru and throughout Latin America


GDF seeks to leverage key alliance relationships to advance real estate, content, production, and technology development opportunities (private and quasi-governmental) for large-scale mixed-use, housing, power, infrastructure, and manufacturing projects from the Philippines, Indonesia, to “the silk road”, and throughout the European continen


Preliminary market activity has begun in California, targeting SoCal workforce, student, and affordable housing initiatives, along with hospitality and health and wellness development opportunities.

Australia + South Pacific

GDF plans to pursue multiple development opportunities throughout the region to include mixed-use, resort, health & wellness, power, infrastructure, and manufacturing projects..

The next Gilded Age in Development is happening Now.
GDF, working together to build Live, Work, and Play dream spaces for the future...Today!

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